Required Software
Required Software - Any C++ compiler
There are a number of online compilers. You can write your program on Notepad and then just copy and paste into the edit window. Try:
C++ Shell -
For Windows users:
Depending on your school's agreement with Microsoft, you may be able to download Microsoft Visual Studio free from Dreamspark
You may download MS Visual C++ Express 2013 free from the Microsoft site. They will try to get you to download the newest free version of MS Visual Studio, Community 2015, but you can instead scroll down to "Still want Visual Studio Express?"
See Prof. Holowczak's Tutorial on Obtaining and Using MS Visual Studio software for C++ programming - link
Some school computers may have Dev C++ [instructions]
Suggestions for Mac users:
Xcode (free on itunes)
Oracle VirtualBox (Get for free from
Then load MS Windows 7 (get from Dreamspark)
Then load MS Visual Studio (get from Dreamspark)