Guess My Number - A Game

Hello user! Think of a number between 1 and 50. Let’s see if I can guess it!

Ready? Enter y (yes) or n (no): y

Is it 25? Enter y (yes), h (go higher) or l (go lower): l

OK! Is it 12? Enter y (yes), h (go higher) or l (go lower): h

OK! Is it 18? Enter y (yes), h (go higher) or l (go lower): h

OK! Is it 21? Enter y (yes), h (go higher) or l (go lower): y

Yay! I guessed it in 4 guesses… Yes, I’m THAT awesome!

Write a C++ program to create the above game. You may also wish to personalize it by having the user enter his/her own name first to the computer can talk to an individual instead of just “user.”

Use a function, nextGuess() to return the computer’s – uh – next guess. Do not use global variables.

The prototype for the function will look something like this:

int nextGuess (/*there may possibly be parameters here*/)