Programming Assignment Guidelines
Be professional in all assignments.
Follow Good Programming Methods as learned in class
Submit: listing of source code; output(s) generated by that source program; listings of any input and/or output files used. Interactive console window should be formatted black on white, rather than white on black.
Combine all parts of the submission into a single pdf file; then submit.
Initial Comment section should contain at least the following:
// Your name
// Course and section
// Instructor's name
// Date program completed
// Assignment number
// Assignment name
// Program description
// Name (and optionally path) of file containing function main() for this program
After that, comment each major section of the program.
The program should be complete and error-free.
Use meaningful variable names. Program should be as efficient and as elegant as possible.
Use line-breaks to break long statements over several lines.
Output should also have appropriate headings, including your name, assignment number, etc.
Assignments must be submitted on time.
Do not email or fax submissions.
If you are permitted to resubmit an assignment, always attach the first submission.
Do not write on submission by hand (or typewriter or editor or ...).
Do not erase, cross out, or use "white out" on submission.
By submitting a program with your name on it, you are certifying that you are its sole author.
If you do collaborate on a programming assignment - either with a classmate, someone else, or an online site - you must indicate as much in your comments. Regardless of the help you may have received, you should have rewritten the code to make it your own.