This page contains links to and explanations of Homework assignments for CIS 3100  Fall 2024 (Baruch College).  Due dates are on the Fall 2024 Course Outline page.


As soon as you can - even if this is before the class officially begins - send me email with the following info:

Your Full Name
Any nickname you may wish to use in this class [Optional]
Your phone number [Optional]

Send this contact info to:
Professor Linda W. Friedman
Email: (Preferred) prof.friedman@gmail.com)
Your subject line should include your course name .


Since you are all Baruch College students and this is NOT a Distance Learning program, I think you should make full use of campus resources - one of which is ME! ;)

My office is in room 11-228 on the 11th floor of the vertical campus building. Just drop by during one of my posted office hours or email me if you would like to meet at a different time.

These may be submitted through Brightspace:

What I learned in my Python class

The prerequisite for this course is CIS 2300 which includes Python programming.  For this assignment, submit the following (1) 1-2 paragraphs describing as best as you can what you feel you learned in that course. (2) a small programming assignment you completed - include the description of the assignment, the code itself, and any output produced.

Comparative Coding: Some Simple Statistical Analysis

Code the following in (1) Python and in (2) C++:

Write a very simple program that will calculate and print the sum, mean, variance, and standard deviation of 7 numbers. The numbers must be input as data. This input data must also be printed by the program.

If your seven numbers input have been named A, B, C, D, E, F, G, then the variance may be computed as:
variance = [(A-mean)2 + (B-mean)2 + ... + (G-mean)2]/6
and the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. (Hint: If you can't figure out how to get the square root in C++ leave it out at first.  You can always add to your program later, once it works without it.)
Run your program three times, using three different sets of data:
Run I: 12, 22, 34, 43, 45, 54, 99
Run II: 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, -9.3, 0, -1.0, 3.0
Run III: Any 7 numbers of your own choosing.

Program: Rock, Paper, Scissors